helm repo add lightrun-k8s-operator https://lightrun-platform.github.io/lightrun-k8s-operator
Using default values
helm install lightrun-k8s-operator/lightrun-k8s-operator -n lightrun-operator --create-namespace
Using custom values file
helm install lightrun-k8s-operator/lightrun-k8s-operator -f <values file> -n lightrun-operator --create-namespace
helm upgrade --install
orhelm install --dry-run
may not work properly due to limitations of how Helm work with CRDs. You can find more info here
helm delete lightrun-k8s-operator
will not be deleted due to Helm CRDs limitations. You can learn more about the limitations here.
For the sake of simplicity, we are keeping the convention of the same version for both the controller image and the Helm chart. This helps to ensure that controller actions are aligned with CRDs preventing failed resource validation errors.